Serving together is another great way to connect with others. Here are a few great ways to serve. We’ll ease you into the process by pairing you with a seasoned veteran. You can also stop by one of our Welcome Desks to find out more information.
Greeter Amy Matherly 262-4773
Café Server Nancie Adams 293-5183
Barklee Basketball Jake Balch 294-7602, ext. 125
Choir (classic worship) Steve Campagna 294-7602, ext. 105
Praise Team (modern worship) Becky Branch 294-7602, ext. 112
KIDz Church Pastor Lori Grasty 294-7602
Rummage Sale Erin Kennedy 294-7602, ext. 128
Church Office Volunteer Greta Weir 294-7602, ext. 107
Sound, Video, Lighting Lloyd Wileman 294-7602, ext. 117
Trinity Student Ministries Michelle Hartwig 294-7602, ext. 110
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Crisis Team Ministry Linda Thursby
Project 216 (CLICK HERE)