O u r   M i s s i o n   We are committed to treating each child and family with respect and compassion, regardless of faith. It is our mission to be a supplement to the home and to make possible experiences promoting social, physical, emotional, academic and spiritual growth and sharing the love of Jesus as Lord.

E l i g i b i l i t y   Our age eligibility entrance date is September 1st. Please see “Classes” page for more information.

C a l e n d a r   The school year runs from the 1st week of September through mid-May.

P o t t y   T r a i n i n g   P o l i c y   Those entering our 2’s class do not need to be potty trained. All other children must be. We do encourage self-help skills in the bathroom for all ages. If your child is not currently potty trained but may be by September, please indicated on your enrollment form.

D a i l y   S c h e d u l e   * Opening activities * Exploration Time * Craft Time * Snack Time * Music * Large Motor Skills * Circle Time * Story Time

We believe children learn best through exploration and play. We provide an environment where learning takes place naturally through hands-on activities and creative play.

NOTE: The schedule is flexible to meet the needs of the lessons, projects and the way children are responding on any particular day.

C h r i s t i a n   C u r r i c u l u m   Each month we have a Bible based theme including Chapel time with one of our church leaders. . O u r   G o a l s • To enhance the development of each child. • To provide a safe and nurturing atmosphere where every child can feel that he or she is special and successful.
• To help each child develop a better awareness
of his or her world.
• To provide opportunities and activities which will prepare young children for kindergarten.
• To develop each child’s potential … physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, creatively, and socially. • To provide new and fun learning experiences to stimulate the child’s desire to learn, discover and explore.

• To provide an atmosphere where a child can truly enjoy being a child of God. • To communicate God’s love daily to children in natural learning situations.

     For more information contact Emily Shuttleworth (Preschool Director)