The Trinity Foundation awards scholarships each year and we want to get the word out that it is once again SCHOLARSHIP TIME.
- Are you a senior heading off to A 2-YEAR OR 4-YEAR college in the fall?
- Did you receive a Trinity Scholarship last year and want to reapply?
- Are you a college student who did not apply last year?
- Did you graduate from high school last year but decided to wait a year to attend college?
- Finally, if you are an adult and want to go back to school, please contact us. We may be able to help.
Applications for 2025 are available online at
Applications are due April 28, 2025.
All the procedures and qualifications will be found right there with the application.

Grant Policies and Procedures
- Grant applications are available in the church office and online at
- Both General Grant applications and Education Grant applications should be in the hands of the Foundation President two weeks prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered.
- If a grant application is approved the President will contact that applicant by letter as soon as possible.
- If a grant application is denied the President will contact the applicant preferably by phone or in person to explain the reasons for the Board’s decision.
Who We Are?
Trinity Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that carefully invests money donated to the church. With this money we work alongside the church, funding programs, improvements to the building, projects, leader education and scholarships. Created in 1952, the Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and is administered by a nine-member board. The Foundation Board meets quarterly.
Leave a Legacy
A gift to the Church is a way to expand your own service during your lifetime and a way to offer an amazing path of faith to others after you are gone.
How Can I Give?
• Checks or Cash
• Through annuities
• Through your retirement plans
• Through your will or living trust
• Through a charitable trust
• Gifts of Real Estate
• Gifts of Securities
• Include Trinity in your Estate Plan
o The Trinity U.M. Foundation can collaborate with your attorney or financial planner.
o You may specify where your donation is to be used at Trinity
o You may start a scholarship.
How will my gift be used?
Through Grants
Trinity Foundation offers the opportunity to apply for grants for: the improvement of current programs, startup funds for new projects, mission trips, and fees associated with seminars and training programs and more. Your gift might be used to expand a youth program, beautify the grounds, or keep worshipers warm in the sanctuary. It could send a lay leader to a life changing conference or sponsor an elementary school student in an after-school camp.
A Foundation Grant Application can be obtained in the church office or online. Contact the Church office for more information.
Through Scholarships
Each year the Foundation presents scholarships to high school seniors from our congregation. Young people active in our Student Program or in Worship or both may apply.
Scholarship Applications are available annually in March. Current scholarships include:
June Deal Memorial Scholarship-For high school seniors or adult learners planning to attend a 4-year college. First generation college students are encouraged.
Holcomb Family Scholarship-For high school seniors planning to attend a 2 or 4-year college.
Jeffrey Poorbaugh Memorial Scholarship-For high school seniors planning to attend a 2 or 4-year college
How Does the Foundation Invest My Gift?
• Large financial gifts given to the church are invested by the Foundation.
• Funds are invested in institutions and corporations which are consistent with the social principals of our church.
• We avoid companies which support racial discrimination, violations of human rights or forced labor and those that produce military armaments.
Contact Us
Our Board Members stand ready to answer your questions. We feel so fortunate to be able to carry out the legacy of the gifts prayerfully given to us by our brothers and sisters in Christ. Call the Church Office for our contact information.
For assistance in the grant process, or in the scholarship application process or for questions about leaving your legacy, contact one of our Board Members