If you would like to provide flowers in honor of or in memory of someone this Easter, please fill out the form below and return it to the church office with a check or cash. The cost is $10.00 each for a 6” Daffodil or Tulip .
Director of Traditional Music to lead and enhance our traditional worship music ministry. This role includes directing the Chancel choir, handbell choir, and brass ensemble,
Join us for this amazing time when we help feed the world! In just two hours we will make meals for 40,000 people. If you can be there...contact the church for ways you can help financially help with the cost of the supplies needed.
Are you a senior heading off to A 2-YEAR OR 4-YEAR college in the fall? FILL OUT AN APPLICATION Did you receive a Trinity Scholarship last year and want to reapply? FILL OUT AN APPLICATION Are you a college student who did not apply last year? FILL OUT AN APPLICATION Did you graduate from high school last year but decided to wait a year to attend college? FILL OUT AN APPLICATION Finally, if you are an adult and want to go back to school, please contact us. We may be able to help. All the procedures and qualifications will be found right there with the application.
You can do this! Join a class. More details.
Trinity On Jackson Church
Sunday Services
9:00 a.m. Classic Traditions
10:30 a.m. Modern
10:30 a.m. KIDz Church
2715 East Jackson Blvd.,
Elkhart, IN 46516
(574) 294-7602